Below is a list of selected articles that informed the development of the NGO Code of Conduct for Health Systems Strengthening. Some are available via the Web links provided while others can be found in common medical and public health journals.

  • Davey G, Fekade D, Parry E. “Must aid hinder attempts to reach the Millennium Development Goals?” The Lancet. 2007; Volume 367: pgs. 629-30.
  • Pfeiffer J. “International NGOs and primary health care in Mozambique: the need for a new model of collaboration,” Social Science and Medicine. February 2003; Volume 56, Number 4: pgs. 725-38.
  • Howell J. “In their own image: donor assistance to civil society,” Lusotopie. January 2002; Volume 1: pgs. 117-31.
  • “The non-governmental order,” The Economist. December 11, 1999, Volume 353, Number 8149: pgs. 20-21.
  • Zaidi SA. “NGO failure and the need to bring back the state,” Journal of International Development. 1999; Volume 11, Number 2: pgs. 259-71.
  • Schneider H, Gilson L. “Small fish in a big pond? External aid and the health sector in South Africa,” Health Policy and Planning. September 1999; Volume 14, Number 3: pgs. 264-72.
  • Green A, Matthias A. Non-Governmental Organizations and Health in Developing Countries. New York: St. Martin’s Press; 1997.
  • Edwards M, Hulme D. “Too close for comfort? The impact of official aid on nongovernmental organizations,” World Development. June 1996; Volume 24, Number 6: pgs. 961-74.
  • Ndengwa SN. The Two Faces of Civil Society: NGOs and Politics in Africa, West Hartford: Kumarian Press; 1996.
  • Gilson L, Sen PD, Mohammed S, Mujinja P. “The potential of health sector non-governmental organizations: policy options,” Health Policy and Planning. 1994; Volume 9, Number 1: pgs. 14-24.
  • Mburu FM. “Non-government organizations in the health field: collaboration, integration and contrasting aims in Africa,” Social Science and Medicine. 1989; Volume 29, Number 5: pgs. 591-97.